Are Rattlesnakes Endangered and Are They A Protected Species?


are rattlesnakes endangered?

Rattlesnakes are easily recognizable by the rattle sound they make when they feel threatened. Believe it or not, rattlesnakes are just as afraid of us as we are of them. Unfortunately, many rattlesnakes are killed because of irrational fear. This can lead to underpopulation and environmental problems. This may make you wonder if rattlesnakes are endangered or close to it? 

Most varieties of rattlesnakes are not endangered, but one that is endangered is the timber rattlesnake. The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is getting close to becoming endangered, but it has not reached that level. Overall, rattlesnakes as a species are not endangered.

So, why are timber rattlesnakes endangered? What other species are rattlesnakes are in danger of becoming endangered? And what can you do about it? Keep reading to find out.

Are Rattlesnakes an Endangered Species?

Rattlesnakes are not endangered. Many types of rattlesnakes can be found in various parts of the world. You can find them in desert areas, warm climates, and hot climates. Rattlesnakes will hide under rocks and bushes during the day to keep cool and will come out at night.

This is because they cannot regulate their own body temperature, so they use what’s around them to regulate themselves. Because of being cold-blooded, they are central to warm climates. 

This is also why you will often see them in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, and other desert areas. Rattlesnakes eat rats and other small mammals that live in the desert. Thankfully, it is not very common for them to become endangered, as their food sources are abundant.

Overall, the species of rattlesnake is doing well, but you will find that the timber rattlesnake is in trouble and efforts are being made to help them from dying off because they are currently endangered. (Source)

Are Rattlesnakes a Protected Species?

If a rattlesnake is endangered, then it is likely that efforts are being made to protect them. The Timber rattlesnake is endangered, and multiple states have written up what they are doing to help protect them. (Source)

Massachusetts has a population of timber rattlesnakes, and they have written a statement about what they will do to help preserve them, as they are endangered. This state will help protect the rattlesnakes and they will limit people’s ability to go into areas where rattlesnakes like to stay.

Down below there will be a list of reasons why the timber rattlesnake is endangered, and the state of Massachusetts is doing everything in its power to help protect, conserve, and rescue these snakes. 

Are Rattlesnakes Protected By the Us Endangered Species Act? 

When a species gets on the endangered list, the US Endangered Species Act (ESA) steps in to protect those species. They have a success rate of 99% of species that have avoided extinction from the efforts made by the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Depending on the severity of the situation with the species, the ESA will step in and assess the situation. For instance, they will look at how things have changed over time, like how the population has changed, how the environment has changed, and if anything is impacting them being able to live and procreate.

As they do this, they will come up with different solutions and publish their game plan. If the situation gets very close to extinction, then officials might decide to take the animals out of their environment and place them into a safer environment where they can grow and populate.

This is the last resort, but many people work hard and create plans for how to protect these animals, and a big thing for them is awareness so that people can watch out and think before getting rid of or harming the animals that are endangered.

What Rattlesnakes are Close to Endangerment?

Rattlesnakes are not going extinct as a whole. All you need to do to help us know more about what kinds of rattlesnakes need dome help! The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is not endangered but is at risk. 

The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is getting close to becoming endangered, meaning that their population is much less than it used to be and they are at risk of extinction.

With that in mind, it is important to recognize the ways rattlesnakes and other animals get into this position. 

Major Threats To Rattlesnake Endangerment

Major threats for rattlesnakes like area vehicles (cars, ATVs, etc.), accidental killing, purposeful killing, harassment through curiosity, collected by poachers, and an increase in trails goring through their homes. 

So, part of the reason rattlesnakes are becoming endangered is because of humans. We might accidentally run a snake over on the road when we live in hot locations, but these add to the huge decrease in rattlesnake life. This list explains the reason rattlesnakes (compared to other animals) are becoming an endangered species because of humans.

Our cars and vehicles kill these snakes. Other humans are accidentally or purposefully killing these snakes, which is not good. Rattlesnakes are dangerous to encounter since they like to attack when they feel threatened, but if you are careful and leave them alone, they will leave you alone.

Rattlesnakes are not particularly aggressive but they are defensive and will strike if they feel threatened. Just remember they probably don’t want you around any more than you want them around. 

If you want to know what your specific area or state does to help rattlesnakes, call your local animal shelter, animal hospital, animal care center, or any place that specializes in taking care of animals. They can tell you where to go and what to do.

For instance, if you live in Texas and you want to help out the rattlesnake population, you can call up animal control to help out and take a snake away from your yard instead of dealing with it yourself and potentially killing it so you can keep your family safe.

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