How Long Does A White’s Tree Frog Live? | White’s Tree Frog Lifespan

How do white's tree frogs live?

The White’s Tree Frog is one of the most popular amphibians kept as pets and is often regarded as one of the best for those that are new to keeping frogs. One of the best attributes of the white’s tree frog is its long lifespan. 

The White’s Tree Frog has an average lifespan of around 16 years. With excellent care, they can live even longer. One such frog was recorded to have lived 21 years in captivity.

The White’s tree frogs typically have a longer lifespan than other popular pet frog species. So if you are up for the commitment, the long lifespan of a white’s tree frog makes it one of the most popular pet frogs. 

The average lifespan of most toads and frogs is around ten years, making the White’s tree frog a surprisingly resilient frog that can live a very long time.

This added lifespan lets them grow a stronger bond with their keepers and allows for a long life of companionship.

White’s Tree Frog Lifespan: How Long They Live On Average

Sixteen years is a fairly long lifespan for such a small pet, which is one of the many reasons that white’s tree frogs are such popular pets. However, though white’s tree frogs live long lives, frogs are not the best if you want something you can handle regularly. 

This is simply because frogs and other amphibians have sensitive skin. Because of this, they do not make the best pets for owners who would like to handle their pets regularly.

However, that does not mean that the white’s tree frog does not make an excellent pet or that you can never handle them. They are, however, better for watching and observing than handling. 

When you take into account that they can potentially live up to two decades in captivity, you are really getting a good value for your hard-earned money when compared to other pets of similar size.

Though they are a relatively robust and hardy species of tree frog, there are a few common health issues that can result in a shorter-lived animal.

Common Health Issues Of The White’s Tree Frog

There aren’t too many health concerns for these frogs when they are bred by a reputable breeder, but there are a few to be on alert for when caring for one of these animals. Detecting a problem early could affect how long your white’s tree frog might live. 

Bacterial Infections

Frogs usually have very efficient immune systems. Because of the environments that they inhabit they are constantly exposed to bacteria.

If kept in improper conditions, temperatures, or in overcrowded enclosures, the stress can cause their immune systems to lower enough that they can get ill.

Symptoms of a bacterial infection in a white’s tree frog might include loss of appetite, cloudy eyes, and sluggishness. Most infections can be treated with medication.

Red Leg Disease

Red Leg Disease is a particularly lethal disease that can affect most species of frogs. This disease is easily recognizable by a dark reddening of the skin of a frog’s underside.

A frog infected with this disease will be extremely lethargic and refuse to eat. If diagnosed early on, it is possible for the disease to be treated by a veterinarian.

Chytridiomycosis Disease

This is a deadly disease that spreads quickly amongst populations of these frogs in the wild. It is caused by a waterborne fungus and can be easily transmitted by infected water and animals.

Unfortunately, it is almost always deadly and there aren’t any great treatments available. It is much less likely for this disease to be present in captively bred frogs, so it is important to find a good breeder and not to capture frogs from the wild. 

They Can Suffer From Impaction

Because these frogs are such voracious feeders, they can get a bit too enthusiastic when it comes to mealtime. This can cause these wild eaters to ingest indigestible materials like the substrate in their enclosure.

It is important that a White’s Tree Frog’s enclosure contains proper materials that are safe for them, and that there are no easily swallowed items near where they feed.

Impaction can be dangerous and generally will lead to constipation. This can lead to a shortened lifespan if untreated. ( Source ) 

Proper Diet For A Longer Lifespan

To avoid health problems and to allow your white’s tree frog to live a long and healthy life, it is paramount that they get the best nutrition available.

White’s Tree Frogs, as we said before, have a great appetite and a healthy frog should always light up when they see some food wiggling before their eyes.

Some of the favorite foods of the Whit’es Tree Frog are crickets, worms, slugs, and even roaches. 

White’s Tree Frogs Can Have Shortened Lifespan Due To Obesity

 Again, these frogs’ voracious appetites can get them into trouble. Obesity is a common problem with this species. In the wild, adult frogs don’t need to eat that much to maintain their weight.

When they are younger and still growing, they require more protein and nutrients, but once they are at their adult size, they need to be fed less. Also, treats that are high in fat should be used in moderation. 

It is important that if you are planning on buying a White’s Tree Frog you do so from a reputable breeder or shop. It is a best practice that you observe the animal before purchase, and if you can, observe them eating. 

Mealworms and waxworms are high in fat and should be fed more sparingly. It is important that you use a variety of feeder insects for your frog to keep them happy and to put some variety in the nutrients they are receiving. Change things up with a constant rotation of gut-loaded insects. 

The White’s Tree Frog is a low-maintenance option for someone looking for a frog to call their own. With a proper diet and an owner that is on the lookout for any signs of illness, you should be able to keep one of these frogs for a long, long time. 

Considerations That Affect The Lifespan Of A White’s Tree Frog

There are other considerations that can affect how long a white’s tree frog might live in captivity. This would include but is not limited to humidity, temperature, water quality, housing, and much more. 

Proper Humidity and Temperature

The humidity levels for the white’s tree frog should be around 60-90%. To accomplish this you will need to either mist a few times a day with treated clean water or invest in a mister. 

Having the correct substrate will also help to keep ideal humidity levels. Make sure to use something without chemicals that help increase humidity. 

When it comes to the temperature of the enclosure there should be a warmer side and a cooler side. The cooler side should be around 72-75 degrees Fahrenheit and the warmer side around 80-85 degrees.

Water Quality

White’s tree frogs are very sensitive to chemicals such as chlorine. So make sure that you are using a good water conditioner. This would include the drinking water and the water used to mist the enclosure.

You can also use purified water bought at the store. That said, purified is not the same as distilled. Never use distilled water for a white’s tree frog.

Proper Housing

Another consideration that could affect the lifespan of a white’s tree frog is having the proper enclosure. A tall 15-20 gallon tank should be ideal for housing a white’s tree frog.

Many people will create a bioactive enclosure for tree frogs. Make sure that your enclosure has a secure lid as white’s tree frogs are known to escape the enclosure. 

So How Long Should You Expect A White’s Tree Frog To Live?

The Lifespan of a white’s tree frog is roughly 16 years. That said, there are many variables that determine how long a white’s tree frog will live.

Make sure that you provide the proper care and it will increase your chances of your frog living a full life.

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